Why you should care about open data in Nepal

02 Jun 2016 - Kavyaa Rizal

Open data and government transparency is an old but yet, ongoing debate in Nepal. While some support a blind trust in the government, many believe that seeking government data and encouraging transparency is one of the many ways to keep their powers in check. However, at one point or another, one might ask themselves “why does this matter to me? Why should I care?!”

Here are five reasons why you, personally, should care!

  1. **It enables YOU to hold YOUR authorities accountable!**

Ever wondered where every rupee paid for taxes was going? If it was going to something productive for the country at all? Well, through open data and government transparency, you wouldn’t have to wonder because you would know! This would be a convenient way to not only know how your, and all other taxpayers’, contributions have helped the country but also to hold the ministries accountable to the budget they have received and the outcomes achieved through them.

  1. Saying goodbye to corruption won’t just be a distant dream!

We have all been there when long heated political arguments with peers just end with “Hya there’s just too much corruption! Nepal’s never going to change!” Well actually, this change quite achievable through open data! By holding government officials accountable for the money they receive as well as their achievements year after year, corruption will inevitably find its way out the government offices in Nepal!

  1. It will catalyze the country’s Development!

Another frustrating part of being a Nepali citizen is having to witness the so-slow-its-almost-stagnant development. While cities like Kathmandu enjoy an unnecessary rise in movie theatres or places to eat, we still find that some of the country’s citizens are still unable to formulate a word in paper, let alone ride a car in the entirety of their lives. Through increased government efficiency and the availability of data to the public, not only do we ourselves become more aware of the country’s status, but we also know where and how to improve!

  1. It supports democracy!

Democracy is all about giving power to the people. However, how can we claim the people to be powerful if none of us have access to any of the country’s important data? As we all know, information is power, and only by obtaining actionable information will we, as citizens of the country, be able to claim any power.

  1. It enables research and study, supporting future policies!

In a place with open access to information, there will be people studying and analyzing this information. This will only be beneficial for the country as not only will we have a more informed population, but also a better idea of the type of policies that need to be implemented.

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