16 promises the Nepal Government has made to improve health conditions for people affected by the Earthquake

15 Jun 2015 - Roshan Ghimire

Government goal to improve health sector in post quake Nepal

Source: Gov of Nepal. (Excuse typos.)

On April 25 and May 12, Nepal was hit by devastating earthquakes. There have been more than 8,700 deaths, and more than 22,000 injuries, according to the Government of Nepal (GoN).

Ministry of Health and Population in Nepal has a network of 4,188 health facilities, according to the Post Disaster Needs Assessment and Recovery Plan of Health and Population Sector report (pdf).

They range from specialized hospitals to health posts in village development committees to urban health centers in municipalities. Also there are more than 350 private health facilities in the country.

446 public health facilities including administrative building and 16 private facilities are completely destroyed. 765 health facility or administrative building are partially damaged.

Nearly 84% (375 out of 446) of the completely damaged health facilities are from the 14 most affected districts.


The government has estimated that 11.27 billion NPR (approx 110 million USD) is needed for the recovery and reconstruction of the health sector.

Here are the promises the Nepal Government has made to improve health conditions for people affected by the earthquake in Nepal. 

Deadline set by GoN for these immediate plans: JULY 15, 2015  

  1. Provision of rent or tent for damaged facilities
  2. Demolition of fully damaged facilities
  3. Provision of additional human resources
  4. Repair of partial damaged buildings
  5. Ensure drugs and supplies
  6. Reinstitute information management system
  7. Continue surveillance system

**Estimated cost: 153 million NPR (approx 150,000 USD)**


Deadline set by GoN for these intermediate plans: FY 2015/2016  

  1. Repair and retrofitting of building
  2. Establish pre fabricated structures
  3. Provision of longer term human resources & capacity building
  4. Establish shelter and rehabilitation homes
  5. Strengthen surveillance system and improve quality of services
  6. Initiate process for reconstruction of concrete infrastructure

**Estimated cost: 1.36 billion NPR (13.3 million USD) **


Deadline set by GoN for these medium plans: Medium term FY 2015-16-2019/2020 

  1. Assessment of existing health facility networks and capacity
  2. Planning of health facilities based on population and geographic consideration
  3. Strengthening of health facility networks and service delivery by reconstructing as per the concept of build back better

Estimated cost: 9.75 billion NPR(approx 97 million USD)