
Decoding Trends of NEPSE stock data

Published December 27, 2023

In the world of stocks, data holds the key to understanding how the markets move. All the investments have a degree of risk. But stocks have considered to outperform most other investments over the long run.

Comprehensive Examination of Superstore Sales Trends and Performance Analysis

Published December 20, 2023

Data analysis is pivotal in fostering business growth. Owners must possess a comprehensive understanding of their business analytics to strategically elevate profitability. However, meticulously tracking every sales pattern, discerning customer behaviors, and assessing profitability proves challenging for owners. This is where Data Analysis becomes indispensable. A proficient Data Analyst adeptly uncovers latent sales patterns, delineates diverse trends, and establishes correlations between various parameters. Equipped with this invaluable information, owners gain the ability to target and fortify weaker aspects of their business.

Using Machine Learning for Finding out the Red Wine Quality

Published December 18, 2023

We all know about the significance of red wine these days. It is also better to know better about its quality and the factors which can affect its quality. In these terms, we can use our computer knowledge of ML, and predict ourselves the quality based on the different physicochemical properties. Now, this will be an estimation on the quality and people will be aware about that.

Deciphering Trends and Patterns in Electric Vehicle Adoption, A Comprehensive Analysis

Published December 18, 2023

The world of electric vehicles (EVs) is evolving rapidly, marked by technological advancements and a growing shift towards sustainable transportation. With a dataset encompassing 32,783 entries and 17 columns sourced from (, my analysis focused on understanding various facets of this transformative landscape.

Exploring Nepal’s Exports: Building an Interactive Dashboard for Easy Data Access

Published July 06, 2023

The government has published the data regarding the imports & exports of the country for Fiscal Year B.S. 2079/80(Mid July 2022 to Mid July 2023). Because there are news everyday regarding the current economic situation of the country, it is a good idea to understand the area through which we can strengthen the economy which is exports.