Which subjects are popular in higher education in Nepal

11 Sep 2017 - Priti Oli

The demographics data from nepalmap.org shows that 66% of Nepalese can read and write. However, only 39% of Nepalese have passed the primary level. To further break it down, only 10% have passed SLC, 6% have passed intermediate, 3% have graduated and only 1% have acquired a postgraduate degree.

This means only 1 out of 100 Nepali has a Master’s degree and only  3 in 100 have a bachelor’s degree. The data on the study major for higher education reveals that business as a study of the subject is the most popular for higher studies. 25% of those who pursue higher education in Nepal study business. Engineering, Law, Mathematics, Journalism, Agriculture, and computing has the least numbers of students enrolled in.

Photo Credit: Peter Davis/Flickr

Furthermore, the data distribution shows a wide discrepancy in the male to female ratio within the classes such as mathematics and statistics, law, engineering manufacturing and construction, computing, agriculture forestry and fishery.

In these fields, the ratio is such that for every two males in the classroom there exists only a single female attending the same class. This discrepancy can be ascribed to several reasons. Fewer number of female enrolled in higher education, already existing disproportionate male-to-female ratio in higher educational status, social bias towards the education of female and prevalence of stereotypical mindset on fields of study that are “suitable” for females could be few of possible reasons.